Privacy settings
This website uses third-party cookies for:
Google Analytics
I use Google Analytics to gather statistics on this website’s traffic, so I can improve things along the way. I’m not using this data for anything else, it is not kept in a database that I own, and I don’t share it with other third parties. Note that if your navigator sets up a
flag, Google Analytics will be disabled. -
Utterances comments on blog posts
The comment section on my articles is powered by Utterances. Utterances uses a session cookie to log you in. If the Utterances cookie is disabled, so will be the comment section.
A consent popup has been shown to you during your first visit, to either accept all cookies, decline all cookies or selectively opt-in. This feature (ironically) uses a functional cookie in order to remember your choice, and this cookie will be kept alive for 31 days. So in a month the cookie consent popup will show up again.
If you would like to modify the cookie settings, click on the “Revoke cookie settings” button at the bottom. The page will be reloaded, and the cookie consent popup will appear again, so you can adjust your preferences.
If you happen to notice any deviation from the hereby described behavior, understand that it was not intended and feel free to contact me so I can fix things up.